Monday, April 13, 2015

Just Play In The Rain

April showers...
Bring May flowers....

Here in east central Texas, we've been hit with our April showers.
Thankfully, it hasn't been a torrential downpour, but it's been enough to bring the Texas sized bugs and muggy weather back.

Our family was spending a nice warm, humid day outside yesterday when a sudden downpour hit us. 
Normally, I would have grabbed the kids and made them go inside.
Yesterday, I let them play in the rain.
I let them get barefoot, splash around in dirty puddles, and play in the mud.
Their squeals of laughter and joy warmed my heart.
As a "neat freak" who hates messy kids, this was out of character for me. 
But I realized yesterday that there was beauty in the "dirty rain", the "dirty puddles", and the "icky mud". 

I have a few friends going through some rough times in their lives right now, and my heart aches for them.
I have this thing where I take on other people's emotional pain as my own.
But as I watched my kids squeal and laugh in the rain yesterday, I couldn't help but look at it as a metaphor to life.
To some people rain is miserable, dreary, and a nuisance....
But a child can take that and turn it into absolute joy and happiness....spreading it to those around them.
Watching my kids so happy and free in the rain yesterday made me realize that as much as I dislike the rain, there was still some beauty to it...the beauty of my adorable kiddos enjoying the little droplets of water falling from the sky...

Ahh Texas...
Hot, humid, mosquitoes, FIRE ANTS...
Yet, it's the place I'm most happiest though.

A friend of mine told me the other day that we are always drawn to the place we call "home".
Texas is by no means perfect (although we claim perfection a lot)....
But the thing that makes so happy here is that it's familiar.
It's my home.
My family's here...
My roots are deep here...
I love it here...

 Scooter rides to school in the morning....

My baby D had her dance photos last weekend.
All year long, I've been telling Nick that this is her last year in dance.
I want to put her in gymnastics full time...and go "all in".
Then I see her in her recital costume...
She looks gorgeous...
I watch her twirling around....
In that moment, I realize we are going to be dancing for a very long time....
 And that's ok with me...

Poor Nick...he's gonna be fending all those boys off...


  1. It's been raining like crazy here too!

  2. I bet they had a blast playing in the rain!! I love running in the rain, so I understand their want to play in it. :)

    Also, my parents introduced me to gymnastics after I'd been dancing for a few years, and I ultimately chose to pursue that over dance... but they did let me take both classes for a couple years until I figured out which I wanted to do. You could always see if she likes it better! :)

  3. Oh wow, this is bringing back some awesome memories of playing in the rain as a kid...and a teenager...and a 20-something year old haha! It's so much fun!

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