I LOVE Valentine's Day...until this year. I've always loved Valentine's Day in the past because I feel that it is the ONE day in the entire year that you can really show the people you love that...well...that you LOVE THEM! I think a lot of times, we get so caught up in day to day life, that we forget to show how much the people in our lives mean to us. I am glad though that Dannika is going to be my Valentine this year since Nick won't be here. It's another one of those things that suck about deployment...our heroes get to watch their lives go on and their kids grow up through photographs. Since Nick is missing Dannika's first Valentine's Day together, I decided to get some pictures done by Erin Dietrich Photography to put in his Valentine's Day care package. I am posting the ones that she posted on her facebook as a "sneak peek" for all my "fans" to see! I don't want to post the other ones cause I don't want Nick to see them until he gets his care package! She took our family pictures in November, and we fell in love with the pictures (check 'em out here --->Dannika's 3 month photoshoot)! She has a natural talent of capturing beauty and life in it's finest moments. We had the pictures done at Pines Park in Dana Point. It was GORGEOUS. It was a little chilly for Dannika, but she was a good sport...except for the fact that she wouldn't smile! ugh. Either way, even her "non smiling" pictures are wonderful. These pictures were ESPECIALLY important to me and meant a lot to me because I want Nick to know that we're always thinking about him and that Valentine's Day won't be the same without him here with us. It was an emotional session for me, cause I kept thinking about how much fun it would have been if Nick would have been there. I can't wait to send them to him. I know he will LOVE them. Thank you Erin! And for those of you in southern Cali who want pictures taken, give Erin a call! http://www.erindietrichphotography.com . She might not be here for much longer so get your pictures done! She does homecoming pictures too for my friends who have husbands that are deployed!

love it! =) what a great photographer u have! ;-)