Friday, June 14, 2013

Texas Adventures

We've been in Texas for just over a week now, and we've been staying busy!
It was hot yesterday....and ridiculously humid!
Some complain about this heat, but after living on the west and east coast, I have grown to truly appreciate all that Texas has to offer...heat and all!
After spending the most miserable winter that I've ever experienced in my life (in New England), the hot and humid summer of Texas is a welcome environment for me!!
I spent the first 18 years of my life in this weather, so I think my body just naturally gravitates towards it.
I also believe that this weather is what a TRUE summer feels like!
There's nothing better than sitting outside on a hot and sticky summer day while drinking ice cold beers and eating Blue Bell ice cream.
There's also nothing better than spending a day outside in this weather and opening the door to our air conditioned home.
It's an amazing feeling!

I'm almost 30 weeks prego!

So far, I haven't missed a single day at the gym!
The work outs are getting harder as I get more prego, but I'm feeling great so far!
I've been doing a lot of treadmill jogging, elliptical, and stair stepper.

We've also been enjoying the Chick Fil A by my parent's house!!
It's nice because they have an indoor playground for kids.
We don't have one near us in Boston, so I've been indulging on this deliciousness while here!!

Every Tuesday night, the Chick Fil A does a family night where they have different activities for kids.
This week, they had a clown from the Ringling Brothers circus come and do a show!

D has also been enjoying baking with her Gigi (what my mom prefers to be called).
My mom even bought D her own little apron.

We went to Korean church with my parents on Sunday.
D loves Sunday school, and she really liked her new friends.
Although I can read, write, and speak Korean, it's more "conversational Korean".
There is a bit of a language barrier for me when it comes to listening to an entire sermon in Korean.
I might try an English speaking church while I'm here.

We went to Barnes and Noble to pick up a few activity books to do with D over the break.
We ended up spending a few hours there reading and playing as well!

My little diva ready for some sprinkler play.

We've really been enjoying our summer here in the Lone Star state so far!!
Hubby will be here in about 3 weeks, so we're super excited!!

What fun things are you doing this summer!?


  1. Your daughter is so cute!! Hope you're enjoying summer :)

  2. Sounds like you are really taking in everything that being "home" means! Enjoy!!


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