Monday, May 27, 2013

Memorial Day 2013

I'm determined to make this week fly by, and I planning on doing it by packing our schedule full of things to do everyday.
I'm sure everyone is sick of hearing this from me, but I'm going home to TEJAS next Wednesday (no, it's not misspelled, and if you don't get it, you're obviously NOT a Texan)!
Instead of spending a lazy day at home (like I REALLY wanted to do), I knew I needed to get D out of the house.
It's been raining here all last week and all weekend, and with both of us being stuck inside, we were both going a little stir crazy.
There's a farm/orchard (Belkin Family Lookout Farm) here in Natick that I've been wanting to check out for a while, so I figured today would be the day!\
It's too bad nothing is in season to pick right now, but we ended up having a blast.
Throughout the seasons, you can go there to pick apples, pears, strawberries, pumpkins, and all kinds of other cool fruits.

I hardly ever lug around my big DSLR these days since my iPhone5 takes pretty decent pics, but I dusted it off today and took it to the farm with us. (I didn't edit any of these images)

I used to be deathly afraid of mazes when I was a kid. Something about getting lost, and never making it out alive freaked me out. Thank goodness my kid did not inherit that fear from me. She was a champ through the maze....not gonna lie...I had a teeny tiny bit of anxiety chasing her through it because I was afraid I'd lose her or I'd lose myself in it! lol.

We ended our day with froyo and an early dinner date to Outback steakhouse. I was seriously craving their tangy tomato dressing on a crisp salad!

Here's my Memorial Day post if you missed it.
Hope everyone enjoyed their Memorial Day with their families!
What fun things did you do?


  1. It looks like a great day together. And yay for Tejas :) Hope you have a nice visit.

    Adventures of a Semper Fi Family

  2. The kids and I are going back next Monday, so we'll both in Tejas at the same time!

    1. yay! I'm so excited...humid hot weather and all. What part are y'all gonna be at? My parents now live in Houston, so I will be hanging out there pretty much all summer!

  3. Hooray for trips back home! I know every chance I get to go back to Maine [which isn't very often] is well celebrated!! Hope the week flies by for you, so you can get there quick!

    1. You're the second person I've ever "met" that's from Maine!

  4. Oh, yay! A trip back home is always nice. I hope you enjoy yourself :)


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