Wednesday, May 1, 2013


 Is anyone else having issues with uploading pics onto blogger?

ANYWAY...guess you won't get any cool pics from me today.

Hubby's on leave (yay!).
Then he'll leave us in a week (boo) for the majority of the summer to go to Quantico, VA.

I used to wish ALL THE TIME (when I was active duty) that I could go home to my parent's house in Texas when hubby was gone for long stretches of time.

It really sucked being a full time Marine AND raising a child on my own.
I used to be envious of my Marine wife friends who got to pick up their lives and go back home every time the Marine Corps took their hubbies away.
I felt stuck because of my obligation to the Corps, and I hated it.
I became really good at "single working mom" mode every time the hubby deployed, went to the field, or was just plain gone.

So NOW....
I have the opportunity to go home for the majority of the summer.
I'm having a few concerns though.

The main issue...
I've never spent more than 2 weeks with my parents since high school (almost 11 years ago!).
I'm just hoping and praying that my grand idea to go home for almost 2 months won't backfire on me.
By backfire, I mean that I hope that my parents don't drive me insane :-) (Love you, mom and dad!)

I have a TON of family in Houston (where my parents now reside), and I'll be excited to hang out and spend time with all of them.

What do other milso's normally do when hubby's gonna be gone for a while?


  1. I stay home whenever my husband leaves. He's deployed now and people keep asking if I'm going home. I feel like I AM home. And also, my parents would drive me nuts. Love them, but I need my space and my own things.

  2. I could never go home when my husband left. I always preferred being in my own home with my own things. But whatever suits you and Dannika is the best for you guys!!

    Also on another note, I am having the worst time uploading photos on blogger. What a time to start up writing again...

  3. I also had trouble uploading pictures...I ended up having to use the blogger app on my phone to get them on there. I would love to go home for a couple of months even though it would be sad to be away from my husband. But in his work, he never has to go....good for me :)

    1. I never want to go home when hubby's not away! I enjoy the time we spend together since we have already spent more than half of our marriage with him the field...we were stationed on separate coasts for a year. But if he's gonna be gone...I haaaate being alone! I've lived away from home for 11 years now so I don't get homesick anymore. I just miss the company of family when I'm alone!

    2. I never want to go home when hubby's not away! I enjoy the time we spend together since we have already spent more than half of our marriage with him the field...we were stationed on separate coasts for a year. But if he's gonna be gone...I haaaate being alone! I've lived away from home for 11 years now so I don't get homesick anymore. I just miss the company of family when I'm alone!

  4. I've gone home for an extended period (i.e. longer than two weeks) twice while my hubby's been gone. The first time was when we were moving from Guam to Virginia. Hubster had to go out to sea before leaving, and preggo me didn't want to stay in a house that had already been packed out by myself. So I went to Texas for 2 months. Both kids and I stayed with my parents again for about six weeks two summers ago when my husband deployed on a carrier. It was great because my parents helped me potty train my oldest! Sure, we got on each others nerves too, but it was great being around family. And having babysitters - I got to go out to visit a friend in Vegas for 4 days! :)

    1. We just got our plane tickets to fly home for 5 weeks! I'm pretty excited now. I decided I did t want to be prego and alone, and it would be nice to have the help!


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