I have been horribly sick.
My sister came out on Tuesday night and left Thursday afternoon.
I got sick Thursday morning.
I thought mommyhood was hard, but little did I know how hard it would be with a 103 degree fever, strep throat, and a baby who doesn't want to sit still.
Thankfully, they let me have the day off at work on Friday.
I happily dropped Dannika off at daycare and spent the day at home in bed...not relaxing...but absolutely miserable.
When 1700 (5PM for you non military types) rolled around, I was absolutely dreading the drive to Ms. Kathi's house to pick up my little munchkin head.
When I brought her home, she was being the typical brat, and me being miserable and sick, just let her be while I laid on the couch and watched her destroy my living room. (see below)
I felt a little better this morning, so I decided to go to our pool function which was a BBQ on the beach.
My problem my whole life when I get sick is never letting my body do its' job and heal itself before I start jumping into life again.
Now I am home...typing this blog and letting Dannika destroy my living room that the maids cleaned today...and I feel like absolute butt...FML.
On a funnier note...Dannika was in a giggly mood today.
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