Saturday, October 1, 2016

Happy October...

It's a new month!
I can't believe that it is already October.
For us Texans, that means that it's "sweater weather"!!!
What? 80 degree temps isn't "sweater weather" to y'all?!
Funny story, it was 65 degrees at 715 in the morning this week,
We walk Dannika to school in the mornings, and for us, it was "chilly".
Nick asked Dannika to grab a light jacket, and she literally walked out of her room wearing a knee length winter coat.
When I told her to take it off, she threw a fit!
She was SO dramatic when we walked outside.
She was "fake shivering" and complaining about how cold it was.
I had to laugh (which made her angrier at me). 
Parenting is a comedy most days, isn't it?
I guess I can't blame her...
After all, she is a California born, "sunshine and warm weather" girl.

She was fine...and did not freeze to death...promise.

Tell me that is not a gorgeous sunrise!

I just took the two hardest tests of my entire college career this past week.
I studied for them.
I studied hard.
I was waking up at 4am when my house was "still and quiet" to read and study.
I studied when my kids were napping.
I studied in the car rider line waiting to pick up Dannika after school.
And I thank God for such a GOOD man in my life that takes over parenting duties full time when I need to study.

Instead of feeling that sense of relief of, "whew, I'm glad that test is done and over with.", I walked out of my classes feeling anxious and stressed out.
I texted Nick telling him that I was pretty sure I failed.

I say that often to Nick when I don't feel I did as well I wanted to on a test.
I'm a tad bit dramatic...
"Babe...I FAILED that test! I'm going to FAIL this class, and I'm going to have to pay the government back the GI Bill money I am using to go to school. OMG!" (there is usually an eye roll accompanied with this statement from Nick).
But I usually end up doing well.
I made the College of Ag's Dean's list last I'm actually a good student!

But this time, I really meant it when I told him I felt like I had failed. 
These tests were SO incredibly hard.

I prayed for peace, and I told God that I trusted Him.
I trust Him to carry me through this semester.
And wouldn't you know, God always finds a way to bring me peace.

On Thursday nights, I work at this young mom outreach ministry called "Mama Club".
It is part of my internship.
It is literally the most exhausting day of my week because I have a full load of classes, then I work until 9 in the evening.
I see Nick and my kids for maybe an hour total that day!
After my two horrible tests, I had to go to Mama Club to work that evening.
I was in a bad mood, and beating myself up over my tests...I didn't want to go.
Of course, as soon as I arrived there, I was greeted by one of the other girls that is working with me, and she instantly put a smile on my face with her cheery attitude and smile. 
The rest of the night just completely filled my soul, and made me forget about my awful tests.

God always shows up for me when I need it most.
I left Mama Club that evening exhausted, but in a great mood.
I came home, had a glass of wine, and chatted with Nick about my evening.
My favorite parts about Thursday nights is that when I come home, the kids are asleep, and Nick and I get some good one on one time together to just talk.

But of course, before bed, I went into Mattis' room and brought his peacefully sleeping self to our bed to cuddle with.
Nick rolled his eyes at me, and I responded with my usual, "But he's our LAST baby!"

I'm ready for the cooler temps of Texas, and ready for the holidays.
I am ready for this semester to be over because I don't love my classes.

But I am grateful to be the mom to this precious girl...wearing her official "morning greeter" apron for her class last week...

I am grateful to live on a street with such amazing kids....

I am grateful for the close friendships that Dannika has formed with sweet little Ally...and happy that they still hold hands...

I  am grateful for her friends who have moms who have become my friends...who have chosen to include our family into their lives.....
This photo was taken at the birthday party of Ally's little sisters.
Although they're much younger than Dannika and older than Mattis, they included our little family.

And I am grateful for our home.
With as much moving that we do, I feel like no house we've ever lived in truly feels like "home".
But I am grateful for our home in an amazing neighborhood with great friends and an amazing school.
I got Dannika a new bedspread today and surprised her :)

Happy October y'all!


  1. I can't believe it's already October, blows my mind!

  2. Yup, I hear ya about the Texas weather. I'm loving it!

    Oh and to answer your question, yup, I LOVED Parenthood. Max reminded me a lot of Tommy.


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