Saturday, July 2, 2016

Carolina Creek Christian Camp!

I almost forgot I had a blog!
If you read my last post (back on June 12), you would understand that my summer session 1 class (logic) has pretty much been consuming my life. 
I can happily say that I am officially done with that class, AND I passed! (whew!)
Summer has been busy busy for us in the Romer casa.

I'm playing catch up here, so I decided to back track, and blog about Dannika's first camp experience.
Dannika went to Carolina Creek Christian Camp earlier in June for 4 days and 3 nights!
She had such a blast, and I can't believe I was nervous about sending her away by herself for that long!
I had the rational fears about sending her away for the first time like...

I laugh now, but that was seriously my very first concern about sending her away to
We made sure we did lots of "practicing" showering on our own before camp, so she was ready.
My fears were also appeased knowing that 3 of her best friends from her 1st grade class were going to go to camp with her, and be bunk mates with her. 
I know the girls really well, and I know their parents, so it made me feel better that "my precious baby" would with good AH-MAZING company.
She actually didn't want to come home with us when we went to go pick her up on her last day!
I can't recommend this camp enough, so if you live in Texas, it is SO worth it!

This was at drop off the first day. 
Dannika and two of the three besties that went to camp with her in the camp "chow hall" (since most of my readers are military people).

Dannika sitting on her bunk!
She was upset she didn't get a top bunk, but me (being an old lady with senior citizen type knees) would have been jumping (very carefully because my knees hurt) for joy if I got a bottom bunk.

This was their cabin!!!
Each cabin is a different animal, and whatever cabin you're in is your "team" for your stay at camp.
Team Giraffe!
They even have their own "chant"!
One of the days was "Jersey day" where you wear your favorite team's jersey.
Can you tell who the College Station girls are?!
hashtag GIGEM!
Reppin' Aggieland loud and proud!
Fightin' Texas Aggie class of 2031!
hashtag WHOOP!

My snaggle tooth and her friend Addy.

She even ziplined!

Sweet Ally's mom had all these shirts made for our girls!

One of my favorite images from camp.
Prayer circle with her friends.

One her her camp counselors, Miss Tabi.

Another camp counselor, Miss Kellie.

Overall, camp was such an amazing experience for Dannika, and I am SO glad I sent her.
She fostered so many relationships with different people and grew in her relationship with the Lord.
We can't wait to send her again next year!


  1. So cool! I remember camps from my childhood so fondly and I bet Dannika will feel the same way!

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