Wednesday, July 13, 2016

And then she turned 7

It sort of feels like we've been celebrating Dannika's birthday for an entire month now!
We started her birthday festivities back in June right when school got out so that she could celebrate with her classmates before they all left for camps, vacays, etc.  
Then we had a neighborhood BBQ with close friends and neighbors on our street!
She truly is loved, and we are so grateful that she is surrounded by such amazing friends that we can call family.

She picked this cake all by herself from HEB.
Let me just add that this dark chocolate cake from HEB was the BEES KNEES (if bees had knees).
I don't even like cake, but this cake was SO good. 

We decided to splurge on a new hunting rifle for Dannika this year.
After last hunting season, Nick and I decided that it was time for her to have her own rifle. 
She literally wakes up at 0330-4000 in the morning to go sit in a freezing cold blind with Nick for HOURS at a time.
She always comes home with the biggest smile on her face, and can't wait to go again!
We had a few nay-sayers when they saw what we got her.
To them, I say this...
"Gun safety and weapons handling knowledge should be taught young. I want my kids to not be afraid of guns, but I also want my kids to understand how powerful a gun can be. I want them to understand that irresponsibility with such a powerful weapon can have grave consequences. I also want my kids to be able to enjoy guns, and learn to hunt animals for food. I strongly believe that the unfortunate circumstances happen when children are not properly taught weapons safety. I also am going to add that ALL of our family's guns are kept in a gun safe that our children can not open."

Monday night, she went to a friend's birthday party/slumber party.
They went to see "The Secret Life of Pets", and swam the night away at her friend's house!

How cool are these mermaid tails?!

These four went to camp together, and were in the same 1st grade class together!

And how sweet that at her friend's birthday party, they sang Happy Birthday to her, and let her blow out a candle!

We ended Dannika's birthday with our family tradition.....
Going out to dinner at a restaurant of her choice!
She chose sushi!
She wanted miso soup and a California roll.

This pretty much sums up their relationship...

Then off the gymnastics she went where she climbed the rope FOUR times!

We are so proud of the girl you are growing up to be, Dannika Jane!
You are kind, compassionate, and you always have a smile.
You are sensitive, yet strong.
You are unapologetic about your love for Jesus, and are not afraid to talk to people about Him.
There are times I know that we are being too hard on you, and we are working on that!
Patience is not our family's strong suit!
But just know that you bring us so much joy every day, and watching you accomplish goals and chase your dreams is my favorite thing about parenthood!
We love you so much!



  1. That mermaid tail is so neat! I love it!

    1. they are super cool! she had so much fun with it! I wanted one for me!

  2. Love the mermaid tail! Happy 7th birthday to her! :)


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