Wednesday, January 6, 2016

New Year, New Me!!!!!!!

I'm still the same person I was on December 31, 2015.
I don't think I've ever made a New Year's resolution or a bucket list of sorts in my entire life.
It's just too much pressure to live up to something, and when I fail to reach that goal or item off the bucket list, I feel defeated.
I choose to just live life one day at a time.
I did start a winter detox this week that I feel like is going well so far.
No slip ups yet!
But other than that, life has been truckin' along!
D went back to school this week, so we are somewhat back into a routine.
Our New Year's Eve was a blast!
We spent it with our good friends and neighbors at their house just playing Jenga, talking, and waiting until midnight.

It got pretty intense....

Here we are...all a little delirious and trying to make it to Midnight!

They didn't make

But we woke D up to drink sparkling grape juice in fancy champagne glasses!

Happy New Year folks!
I'm excited to see what adventures await us in the New Year.
We already have a trip planned to Nashville to visit my little sister and her new baby (coming February), and we are SO excited about it.
It's hard to believe that at the end of 2016, Dannika will be a 2ND GRADER, and Mattis will be 3!
Can the years fly by any faster?! 
I hope everyone had a blessed New Year, and I pray for each and every one of you that our Father in heaven abundantly blesses you in the most unexpected ways.

Bring on 2016!


  1. Happy New Year to you. Looks like it was a fun night :)

  2. Happy New Year!

    I don't do the new year, new me thing either. I'm basically the same person!

  3. Happy New Year friend!!! :) Wishing you an awesome 2016.

  4. Haha, I feel you on the still the same person part. I'm always depressed New Years Eve (maybe because I don't drink, idk). I have a Hello Kitty box I put a sticky note with 5 - 6 things I want to accomplish within the year. I failed my 2015 one desperately, haha. Yet life is still okay..
    Your little girl with her "I sparkle with the world" and sparkling cider is adorable!! Hope you enjoy Nashville, and congrats ms.aunt!

    - Harlynn


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