Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Texas Fall, Y'all

I think our weekend filled with tailgates, football games, and church took a toll on my oldest.
This is day 2 of D being home sick from school.
Just a fever.
No other symptoms.
Probably "viral".
And like every doctor in America will tell me, "You just have to let it run its' course."
When the Tylenol/Motrin regimen kicks in, she's back to her normal self.
It's when that fever creeps back up that she's just miserable.
Praying she is feeling better by tomorrow!
She is really missing school!

The weather finally feels like a "Texas Fall".

A "Texas Fall" is:
 //When the leaves are turning brown (cause leaves in TX don't turn those pretty reds, oranges, and yellows you see up north).//

//The temperatures are in the 80's instead of the 90s and 100s.//

//You can catch people wearing jeans...but with sandals and tank tops.//

I'm not one of those women you see on Facebook talking about my obsession with Fall.
I actually dislike Fall and Winter.
Everything is dying...
The daylight doesn't last long...
The only "fally" thing I like is pumpkin spice lattes.

I also like sitting on our back porch deck, but of course, once daylight savings time hits, my late afternoons lounging on the deck are gone...
Boo to Fall!

After church on Sunday, D went to a friend's house to play, and Nick took Mattis on the back porch to play while he studied.
I got some "me" time, and managed to sneak outside to capture a few pics of them.
Playing with daddy's hunting arrows.
I can never get this kid to smile for the camera. He likes to give me faces like this.
I finally offered him a snack, and this is the face I got. Silly boy.
 I love his dirt covered face in these photos.
It truly captures my Mattis in his every day element.

And my handsome guy studying away.
 Hope everyone is enjoying their week so far!

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