Saturday, June 20, 2015

For Nick, A Day Early

In the 6 years that Nick has been a father, he has been home for a whopping ONE of them!
Due to deployments, being in the field, commitments to the Corps, he always seems to be gone in the summers. 
It's always sucked the most for Dannika.
In past years,  she would see all her friends with their daddies at church, and talking about all the fun things they're gonna do with them for Father's Day.
I could always see in her face how left out she felt.
She would bring me her handmade arts and crafts project for dad, and ask me to please mail it to him.
It's always been a little heartbreaking for me. 
But this year....
We are so excited that he gets to be home with us, and we get a chance to spoil him!

I like to think that my kids are the luckiest kids in the world to have Nick as their dad.
No bias here..

(Dannika on top, Mattis on bottom)

I always want to write something heartfelt and meaningful on my blog for Nick on Father's Day, but I feel like it's starting to sound the same every year.
I mean...when a man is amazing every year...there's nothing new to say!
I also do enough "husband bragging" on Facebook to probably annoy people (which I don't care, duh).

So, I'll just leave you with this...

I really am one truly lucky woman to have Nick as the father of our crazy kids.
In four words, I can best describe him as patient, stubborn, level headed, and funny....
He is our children's super hero.

Best. Dad. Ever.

Happy (one day early) Father's Day, Nick!


  1. I hope he had a great Father's day and I am so glad he got to spend it with the kids this year!


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