Sunday, August 5, 2012

Birthdays and Cliques

August is unofficially "birthday month" for Dannika.
She pretty much has a birthday party to attend every single weekend of this month. 
That means I'll be one exhausted mommy.

There is probably some sort of psychological explanation for cliques, but I have been noticing in the last year or so that Dannika is part of a "clique" at her daycare/preschool.
There is a select group of 4 kids that have grown up together in daycare at Ms. Kathi's house since they were infants with Dannika being the youngest (by a year).
There have been several kids that have come in and come out, and this "clique" of toddlers are never very welcoming of the "new guy".
It takes quite a while for them to be accepting of a new kid in school.
I noticed at the birthday party yesterday that this group of kids ONLY played with each other.
Dannika is usually an extremely friendly little girl (too friendly to the point that it freaks me out a little!).
She will walk right up to a random stranger, smile, say hello, and shake their hand.
As a mother, I'm not thinking, "oh, what a friendly kid I have!" 
I'm thinking more along the lines of, "holy cow, she is walking up to a pedophile!"
It's just strange that when she's with "her clique" of pals from school, she kinda gets snobby towards other kids.
She's never like that in Sunday school or anywhere else. 
I'm hoping that this does not transpire into Kindergarten through high school.
The little girl Nina turned 4, and she is easily identified as Dannika's BFF in school.

Other than that, our family is doing fabulous.
My mom's been here all week and leaves Tuesday.
She's been such a huge help around the house.
Seriously, I've been coming home every day from work with laundry folded and put away, dishes done, house scrubbed clean from top to bottom, and dinner ready.
I've been way too spoiled.

Nick is doing well too.
This cycle seems to be flying by way faster than the last one.
(For those who don't know, Nick is spending the Summer in Quantico, VA at OCS as an instructor).
He hurt his knee pretty bad by flying over an obstacle on the O-course...poor guy.
It turned out to be just a bad sprain, so he's been slowly getting back on it.
All I ever hear him complain about is the heat and humidity.
It's so crazy because we both grew up in parts of the country with weather exactly like Quantico if not worse. We have seriously been entirely too spoiled by California.
My mom has actually complained that 75 degrees in the middle of August is too cold for her! 
CRAZY WOMAN! That's how you know someone has lived in Texas way too long. 
Nick will home at the end of the month for 10 days, so that will be nicer than the 3-4 days we've been having him home for throughout the Summer.

We are still studying to book of James at church, and I'll probably start blogging about it soon!


  1. We've been here for over 2 years now, and it still feels so cool here compared to SC. Even my parents in OR have been having a warmer summer.
    Glad Nick gets to visit for a bit longer!

  2. Toddler cliques... that's something I never knew about! Who knew they started so young?
    So nice to have your mom visiting, isn't it? I miss mine so much! I called her yesterday and convinced her to come visit for a few days at the end of the month. Yay!


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