Friday, January 6, 2012

A Letter to my Love

January 2, 2012
To: My main squeeze.
Well, here we are at deployment number 2 for us as a married couple…deployment number 7 between the two of us. Strangely, I feel at peace and not as crazy as I thought I would feel. I guess that’s a sign that our relationship as husband and wife has matured and we’ve both matured. It gives me a great sense of calm to know that I feel much stronger for the mere fact that we have a vibrant and beautiful 2 year daughter that will feel more pain than she did the last time you left. I know these last few months have been packed full of emotions and drama, and I’m so grateful that you stuck by me through all of my turmoil. I give you all the credit for me being where I’m at today emotionally. I’m excited for your homecoming already, and you haven’t even left yet! I’m thinking about your welcome home banner and what I’m gonna wear already!
I know in your line of work, there’s always a possibility of danger, and I want you to know that I know that Dannika and I are your number one, but when it comes to your work, take care of your Marines first. I understand what our job entails. Just know that you have 2 girls back here in the USA that love you more than life and more than you will ever imagine.
I know you know this, but I’m gonna miss you every minute of everyday until we are together again. Not a day will go by that I won’t think about you.  I’m sad that I won’t be there for your promotion to GySgt. I wanted to be a part of it because I’ve seen just how hard you’ve worked for it since the first day that I met you. I’m just forever thankful and grateful that you got to be a part of my special day. Without you, I wouldn’t have gotten to where I’m at today. You’re the reason why I got promoted, and I am forever thankful.
So with that, I hope that you make the best of these next 7 months. Dannika and I will be busy bonding and doing mommy and me things. You have nothing to worry about. We are surrounded by so many wonderful people that will take care of us. Focus on your job and take care of your Marines. Kick some taliban ass and keep your head down.
I love you with all my heart, my love.
Your Wife

P.S.  Say your prayers everyday, change your socks often, and don’t forget to hydrate!


  1. Aww it sucks to have to write these letters, but its the life we lead.
    Prayers for the 3 of you over the next 7 months!!

  2. This is a very sweet letter. I felt all emotions when I read it! Best of luck these next seven months and don't forget to blog ;D


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