Thursday, December 7, 2017

Semper Ag!

So, if you haven’t noticed…
The name of my blog has changed! I think this one is here to stay for the rest of my blogging life. I’ll eventually get around to changing the look of the blog. Someone told me, “you should NEVER change the name of your blog!”. Some stuff about search engines and SEO…and a bunch of other blogging jargon that I could care less about. My blog is not something I make money off of. I started my blog to keep my friends and family updated on our life as a military family. Somewhere during that time, I ended up getting a small following of fellow military bloggers and families. So changing the name of my blog…is not blog suicide for me, folks!

I just felt like “Domesticated Combat Boots” was not a right fit for this season of life anymore. Domesticated Combat Boots was for a season in my life when I was leaving a 10-year career to become a stay at home mom/doting Marine wife. Well…we saw how long I lasted as a SAHM! I came up with Semper Ag. It’s a play on the Marine Corps’ motto, “Semper Fi” (which means “Always Faithful” in Latin) and the word “Aggie” (my college alma mater!). These are two things I’ll be for the rest of my life, and I thought it was a fitting “final” blog name change for me.

Other than that, life has been hectic. With Christmas in full swing in our house, I feel like I’m going a little crazy some days! The kids are eager to be out of school, and see Nick, and they remind me just about every day that they are ready for Christmas! I haven’t done any Christmas baking (like I normally do) over the holidays, but I do have all my presents wrapped and under the tree! I call that a small win in my book! Nick has been in the field this week, so we have literally had zero contact with him since Sunday night. It sucks for my kids, because they got so used to FaceTiming him every night before bed. It breaks my heart a little. Especially when your 4-year old asks you questions like, “Does daddy have to go back to Virginia after Christmas? When will we get him back???” These questions are always a stark reminder to me of what military children go through when their parent is away for extended periods of time. I always remind my kids to be grateful that their father is not in harm’s way right now, and we should celebrate and be happy with the fact that we will get to be together for Christmas. To my friends with loved ones deployed, I see you, and I think about you daily.

No photos to post this time. If you follow my Instagram @Semperag_blog , I post daily…mostly of my kids. Peace, love, and Gig ‘em!

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