Monday, November 28, 2016

A Romer Thanksgiving

I heard on the radio today that there are only 34 days until the New Year.
How the heck did this year fly by so fast? 
I feel like I was still celebrating New Years Eve with our neighbors just a few months ago.
I mean, heck, we started off the year with a 1st grader, and now we have a 2nd grader.
We started with a 2 year old who is now a 3 year old.
We had a guy with no Aggie ring, and now he has one.
They say time flies when you're having fun, and that is the only reason I can think of for the time passing by so fast this year. 
I can honestly say this year has been fun!

This Thanksgiving, our family chose to stay at home and have our own Thanksgiving.
We had a friend who just got stationed in Texas, and wasn't going home for Christmas, so I wanted to have her at our house. 
I also wasn't in the mood to be a part of any weird family tension.
Ever since my grandma passed away, holidays haven't been quite the same for us. 
It was really nice to have Thanksgiving in our own cozy little home with just our family. 
The long weekend went by too quickly, but I am looking forward to getting finals over with!

Some photos recapping our Thanksgiving weekend!

My gal and me got our nails done!

Then took her and her pal to a birthday party at an ice skating rink!

My bookworm finished reading Rosa Parks 📖📖📖

Took the girls to see Moana
(GREAT movie by the way!)

Some park time

And wine time... 🍷🍷🍷


Put up our Christmas trees...
I have one tree that everyone calls "mom's tree".
It's a tree that i decorate the way I want it.
I'm really digging the "rustic theme" right now...

And then, we have our family tree...
This tree consists of ornaments picked out by each of us, family photos ornaments, and Marine Corps ornaments.
If you look at this tree, it really captures who are family is!

We did some cookie baking and decorating...

Watched some TV with Miss Emilee

My parents even made it up for Dannika's Grandparent's Day at her school!

We had a great long weekend (much needed).
We are also very grateful for each and every one of our wonderful friends!
We hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!

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I appreciate every, single comment! Thanks for the love!