Friday, August 26, 2016

The General is 3!

How did this baby...

Turn into this little stud...

In only THREE short years?!

My Massachusetts born, Texas bred "baby" is THREE today!

He is wild.
He is crazy.
He is the best cuddler in the world (ask his nannies!).
He will talk your ear off.
He still loves his "ya-ya" (his paci).
He loves Ninja Turtles, Star Wars, and Scooby Doo.
He loves his "yay-tube" (youtube) videos of people opening shopkins.
He loves the song "Stitches" and "My House".
He is daddy's little sidekick.
He has a giggle that will make YOU giggle.
He can ride a scooter on two wheels like a champ.
He loves chewing gum and ring pops.

Most importantly, he loves him some Jesus!

I can NOT believe you are three already, Mattis Mark Vincent!
You bring so much joy (along with the occasional headache) to our lives.
You're the boy I never wanted, but couldn't live without now.
Your daddy and I are constantly laughing at your antics and blaming eachother's "genes" for them.
We are so grateful God chose US for YOU and entrusted us to raise you to become the amazing man you'll be one day.

We love you Mattis Mark Vincent!
Never change, and keep being your trouble making and goofy self!

And because no good post about Mattis is complete without his "sour puss" face.
 But we STILL love him...

I know Vincent is looking down on you from heaven and giving you a high five every time you cause mischief!

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I appreciate every, single comment! Thanks for the love!