Monday, May 16, 2016

Spring Semester, Done Sir Done!

WOW, I've really been sucking at blogging lately!
I thought that once the semester was over, I'd take some time to catch up on this thing.
Instead, I have been taking naps, drinking wine, binging on Netflix.....
I finished the entire Gilmore Girls series in a month (theres like a million seasons and like 20 some odd episodes per season), and have started One Tree Hill.
I watched One Tree Hill when I was deployed to Iraq in 2007, and remember really enjoying it.
So I decided to rewatch it. It's so good!
I've basically become a recluse, but that's ok.
I've also enjoyed just spending time with Nick and the kids.
I have about 3 more weeks before I start summer school, so I am enjoying what little time I have off the best I can.
I ended my semester with 4 A's and a B. 

Random selfie of me in my car on my way to my very last final of the semester at Texas A&M!

The B was inevitable, and I'm actually surprised I managed to pull off a B in that class.
Either way, I consider that a pretty good semester at A&M, considering I was raising two children while doing it.
Patting myself on the back.

This is my Ag Leadership professor, Dr. Rotter (with Mattis and me).
I made an A in his class.
His last class, we did a potluck, and he let me bring Mattis since our childcare was sorta messed up that day. 
Dr. Rotter's class was my favorite class ever, and a class I did the most growing in as a person.
I'm actually a little sad that I won't have him again my my future ALED classes I need for my degree.

My Mother's Day was pretty awesome.
I told Nick I just wanted some alone time to binge on Netflix, wine, and dinner cooked for me.
Oh, and I also casually mentioned that I did not want to hear the word "mom" all day.
But my two year old started following me around calling me "pretty lady"...well played, Nick, well played.
The kids and I before church :)
They make my heart so happy, and as "unpretty" motherhood can be at times, I am so grateful that I get to be a mom.

This was a fun little photo boot our church set up.

With summer fast approaching, we decided to give little man a shorter hair cut.
I'm digging it.

My sweet friend and neighbor Kayla (brunette on the right) has not been out without her precious 7 month old baby since she was born!
Our new neighbor Jana (the blonde) suggested we bust her out, leave the daddies to watch the kids, and go have dinner and drinks.
It was much needed for Kayla, and it was nice for me to get to spend time with my friend without a baby attached to her hip! lol.

 I took little man to Chick Fil A for a mommy/son date today.
He is definitely a handful and our most difficult child, but he definitely has his sweet moments.
Those sweet moments can melt anyone's heart, and make all the craziness become a distant memory...

 I haven't done much blogging, but if you keep up with me on Instagram (@domesticatedcombatboots), you can follow my crazy life!

Happy Monday, y'all!


  1. Yay for school being done right now! :)

  2. Life is good! Enjoy the distractions :) and congrats on all those grades!

  3. Congrats on your awesome semester! :)


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