Tuesday, May 31, 2016

8 Years, 5 Zip Codes, 2 Kids

I suck as a wife this year.
First of all, I swore all month that my wedding anniversary was May 30th, and I even had to check our marriage certificate to find out it was actually May 31st. 
I always knew we got married the last day of May, but for some reason, I always think May only has 30 days.
I did get Nick a gift.
I told him he could get an after market exhaust for his truck.
Normally, I would have already purchased it and made an appointment for him to go get it done, but I didn't this year (FAIL).
Honestly, this semester has been so exhausting that when finals were over, I completely "veg'ed out", and did nothing for the last three weeks.
Our original anniversary plans fell through because of this "little" tornado that came through our town last week.
We had planned on going to dinner at a restaurant here in town that I've been dying to take Nick too (Napa Flats), and he was going to surprise me and take me to a hotel for the night.
Our nanny was going to drive down to watch our kids, but for obvious reasons, she didn't get to come on the day our anniversary was planned. 
Nick was so bummed out, and I hate seeing him like that, so...
I drove through a torrential downpour and through flooding...like REAL flooding...to Napa Flats on Friday and picked up a to go order of their delicious wood fired pizza and a shrimp appetizer.
I drove home, put Mattis down for a nap, and gave Dannika strict orders to go watch Netflix and not come out of our bedroom (unless she was bleeding or dying).

It wasn't what we had planned, but it was still romantic, and we got to have adult conversation (sans kids).

Our nanny, Rachel ended being able to drive down from her hometown on Saturday, so Nick and I got to go out and do some shooting at the range.

Today, we had shrimp and lobster at our house.
Nick and the kids got me flowers and cards, and a new double leather band for my Apple watch. 

Our anniversary this year wasn't anything grand or spectacular, but to me, it was perfect and special.
We have spent many anniversaries apart, and I am just grateful to be spending it with him in our home together.

Eight years has flown by.
We used to talk about how our 10 year anniversary felt like it was a lifetime away when we first got married, and now.....
It's hard to believe that we're just two short years away from it. 

Eight years ago, two young kids flew to Vegas and eloped after only dating (and knowing each other) for less than two months. 
We didn't tell a soul.
We ate at Hooters before we drove to a Vegas courthouse at close to midnight to stand in line with a bunch of drunk "Vegas brides and grooms".
I wore a purple Express tube top and jeans.
He wore his Alabama baseball cap, a white polo with light blue stripes from American Eagle.
We went to a cheesy Vegas chapel where we laughed through our entire "Vegas wedding vows".
We were young, in love, and didn't care what anyone thought of our crazy idea.
I think back to that night, and can't imagine us doing it any other way. 
That one night in Vegas brought us to where we are today.
The past 8 years has been the wildest adventure I could have ever imagined.
But I get to do life with the man of my dreams...
 the guy who makes me laugh...
the guy who drives me crazy...
the guy who used to tell me my love handles were sexy after I had just given birth...
the guy who I get to witness being an amazing father to our kids...
And most importantly, the guy who leads our family in Christ and is an example for others. 
I am so lucky to be yours Nicholas Mark...
I wouldn't trade this life...
The ups...
The downs...
The Bostons...
I wouldn't trade any of it as long as I get to do it with you!

Happy 8 years, my love!!!


  1. You two have done pretty well for yourselves!! I am proud of both of you. Hang in there, finish your degrees, and continue being the great parents you are.

  2. You guys have built a pretty amazing life together! :) Happy Anniversary!

  3. Happy anniversary! Glad you all got to enjoy it regardless of the weather.


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