Sunday, December 27, 2015

I Hate Star Wars (Merry Christmas!)

You know what bothers me?
People who look at me in disbelief when I tell them I've never see any of the Star Wars movies.

I'm not a "movie person".

It's never interested me.

The worst is when some Star Wars nerd/geek tells me, "OMG...You are not AMERICAN! That is SOOOOOOO UnAmerican!"

I have to step my breathing exercises, and control my 'veteran anger'...

I'm actually about as 'American' as it gets.
I am a a first generation American...born and raised in Texas...
I am a daughter to immigrants who became naturalized citizens...(my parents took a test that most Americans would probably fail)...
I served TEN years in the Marine Corps as an enlisted woman...
I've been to the middle east...

oh...and I own guns....(you know...just for good measure...haha)

I'm pretty much more American than half of those who call me "unAmerican" for not liking or have watched any of the Star Wars movies.

Nick won a bet with my brother in law.
The Aggies beat Vanderbilt (the school my bro in law practices medicine at), so my bro in law bought tickets to watch the movie with Nick.
My bro in law and sister couldn't make it down to Texas from Tennessee over Christmas due to some stuff that came up, so I was stuck being Nick's date to go see the new Star Wars movie.

Nick got these awesome socks from
They're big in the Crossfit community!

We had dinner at a Mexican restaurant next to the theater called "Cafe Adobo" before the movie.

I had their avocado shrimp cocktail....DELICIOUS!

Heels, Nikes, and Stance and the geek...

I fell asleep during the movie.
Within the first scene, I was unimpressed and underwhelmed.
It's not my kind of movie, and not the type of genre that interests me.
I got a great nap, and Nick enjoyed it very much.
He's not one of those "mega fans" who are dissecting and analyzing every bit of the movie.
He enjoyed it for what it was, and I love him for it.

So, I hate Star Wars...
Sue me...
I promise you, I won't lose sleep over the fact that you are AMAZED I've never seen any of them or fell asleep through the new one...


My family takes turns hosting Christmas at their homes every year.
Since they all live in Houston, no one has to drive very far (except for those of us who don't live in Houston? lol).
This year, Christmas was held at my Uncle James and Aunt Hanna's home in Sugarland.

My mom made her signature dish...jap chae (a Korean side dish).
I can't even describe it, but my mom's is the best....
I'm not saying that because it's my mom's either...she get SO MANY compliments, and people are always asking her for the recipe.
It's amazing.

Mattis finally got his very own Razor for Christmas.
He's been wanting one ever since he discovered he could ride his sister's Razor.
He's only 2, but can ride a 2 wheeled Razor!

My Uncle Scott and Mattis

My cousin Ashley, Dannika, and my cousin Sophie...

The women of my fam.
None of them are lookin in the right direction...

I'm the oldest cousin out of the 5 of us in this photo.
From L TO R: Cousin Michael (in LSU Medical school), Cousin Sophie in 8th grade, me, Cousin Daniel (McNeese St. Grad), and Cousin Josh in high school... 

My grandpa...
Reverend Dr. Samuel and his great grandson.....

Christmas was fun, and I LOVED spending it with my family.

I realized this year how much more time with family meant than anything.
I noticed a lot of people posting photos of the presents under their trees, and all the gifts they received. 
A part of me feels that if you're "showing off" everything on FB and IG about your extravagant gifts or what you got for Christmas....
It can really make someone who doesn't have any thing feel bad.
No one needs to see the thousands of dollars worth of gifts you got your child or what you received...
Keep it to yourself and make sure your child knows to be grateful.
I am guilty of IG'ing my gifts and my children's gifts in the past...

It just took me to be 31 to realize that...
"hey...not all your friends are fortunate. Stop flaunting it!"

So I leave y'all with this...

 I hope y'all FULLY got to enjoy Christmas in the presence of family and the people you love.
I hope that beyond the gifts, the money spent, truly celebrated the birth of our Lord and Savior...
Jesus Christ.

Without Him, there would be no Christmas, and no "us".

Merry Christmas, y'all!

Rocking my Texans leggings given to me as a gift by a family member...
My whole family are Texans fans except me..cause I'm a rebel and love the Cowboys...
since the boys are out of the playoffs, and I and a die hard Texas girl... I'll root for a Texas team!


  1. It's okay, I feel the same way about football ;)

    1. See!!! That's fine!!! I don't hate on people who don't like football!!! People are super hating on me about this Star Wars movie!!! Lol

  2. My mom is the same way about Star Wars. We never owned any of the movies and I can't remember a single time that she sat down and watched it with us.

  3. I've never seen any of the Star Wars movies either and I really have no desire to.

  4. I saw the new Star Wars and actually liked it, but I am not a fan at all. Haha.

  5. This had me cracking up! I had never seen any Star Wars movies until last week. Chris couldn't believe it and he went out and bought them all. I did manage to sit through most of them, but I am still not very interested. But the kids and Chris loved the new one! haha :)


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