Tuesday, September 22, 2015


I hardly have time to blog anymore.
School, kids, Dannika's gymnastics, school, life, house, marriage, school...
Did I mention school?!
I am waiting on a letter from A&M saying that I will be a FULL TIME student there in the Spring.
The anticipation is killing me.
In the mean time....
I am taking a math class (along with a few others)....college algebra to be exact...
It sucks....
Because, contrary to popular belief and stereotypes, I'm the only Asian on the face of this earth that hates math and was never really great at it.
Nick thinks I was awesome at it, because I did WAY better than him in math.
But really, I just took harder math classes than him in high school (13 years ago), and I had Asian parents who MADE me do "ok-ish" in math (ever heard of Kumon? yeah...I did it).
Nick took what was required to graduate, barely passed, AND his mom was not Asian (obviously). 
And for all y'all "non engineers", scientists, and mathematicians, college algebra is pretty difficult for the average "jane" or "joe".
I'm surprisingly doing OK-ish in it thanks to YouTube tutorials and my trusty iPhone.

As a 31 year old working on her undergrad, I am SO thankful for my experience as a wife, mother, and Marine.
My time management skills rock (no all nighters here), my priorities are straight, and I roll my eyes constantly at young 20-21 year olds that I think would have benefited from a good 4 year stint in the good ole U.S.M.C before embarking on college (which is like 80% of them).
However, as a 31 year old, one of the "suckiest" parts of being in college is taking classes like "college algebra" that would have been WAY easier when I was 18 and fresh out of my high school calculus class. 

Life's been busy.
Between my classes, Nick's classes, ROTC commitments for Nick, kids, marriage, life, mortgages, bills, etc. etc. etc. etc. etc.......blogging is on the backburner. 
If you don't follow me on Instagram, here are some pics!!
If y'all have followed me long enough, y'all know how much I hated New England winters.
I prayed and begged for heat, and when God put us back in HIS COUNTRY (Texas, for all y'all non Texans), I was over the moon.
It's September, and it's still warm enough (hot actually) for my kids to be naked outside in the sprinklers!

I love "punny sayings".
I found this shirt at Target, and HAD to get it for Mattis, because it's such a LIE.

Mattis has been a little under the weather, so we took him into the doc to get looked at.
"It's viral"....
Something I hate to heart from the doctor, because there is NOTHING we can do....no antibiotics or magic pill.
We just gotta let it run its' course.

Dannika loves American Girl dolls.
She had one that Nick got her as a gift after he graduated OCS for being such a great helper to me while he was gone.
They're like 100 bucks, and I swore it's the only one she'll ever own.
But a good friend of ours has a teenaged daughter who was selling some of her old ones to buy a new Macbook.
I jumped on the opportunity, and Dannika got her second AG doll for a fraction of the price. 
Meet Bella, Dannika, and Annaliese (goes by Anna).
Anna is her new one.

 Mattis loves his "ya ya" (aka his paci).
People tell me all the time that it's time to wean him off of it.
As much as I would love to, a part of me loves that he still loves it.
It's the last little part of "baby" that he has...

And lastly...
Remember when I told y'all about the Vancouver vacation/cruise that I got for my mom and dad for my dad's 60th birthday?
Last Thursday through Sunday sightseeing in Vancouver and are on their cruise now headed to Long Beach, CA.
From the looks of my mom's Instagram photos, they've been having a great time!

I miss y'all, and I've been doing my best to catch up with y'alls blogs, Facebook, and Instagram!

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I appreciate every, single comment! Thanks for the love!