Thursday, October 9, 2014

Texas & A Sucky PCS

Hey y'all!!
I'm back to the blog world...sorta!
I can say that our family is officially planted in Texas, and we could not be more thrilled to be here.
It's been ridiculously hot, humid, sunny, and we absolutely LOVE IT!

As far as PCS'ing, our PCS has turned into a PCS from hell...
Mostly dates...all the dates we were told for certain parts of our move have been false.
The packers were coming on the 29th to pack, but showed up on the 26th.
Our household good were supposed to be here on the 3rd, and now we are being told the 21st.
Everyone we've talked to on the phone from the moving company to our military moving coordinator has in some way, shape, or form lied to us...flat out lied...and when they were caught in their lies, they backpedaled like crazy.
So, currently, our family is living in an empty (but gorgeous) new home with two lawn chairs, an air mattress, a pack and play, and our suitcases.
We got internet today, so now we can get on our laptops and iPads.
We are making do with what we have, and I can't tell you that it's been easy.
Nick and I have (at times) been at each other's throats, and it's all because we're just a little stressed, irritated, and tired of sleeping on an air mattress.

But at the end of every crazy day, we sit on our lawn chairs, have a glass of wine, and thank God for this amazing opportunity to live in Texas...specifically my home town.
I seriously have to pinch myself every time I pull into the driveway of our house.
We walk Dannika to school every day, and the scenery in our neighborhood is just so serene.

Neighborhoods like this are non existent in Massachusetts, and the live in a neighborhood like this in California, you have to be a millionaire.

By the time I get home from the half mile walk from Dannika's school, I am drenched in sweat, and I can honestly say that it hasn't bothered me...not. one. bit.
It's totally weird to be around other children who tell me "yes ma'am" and "no ma'am", and children that call us Mr. and Mrs.
In New England and in California, people always thought it was strange (yet "so stinkin' cute and polite) that Dannika always said sir/ma'am and called everyone Mr. and Mrs.
We're finally in a place where it's the norm to be like Dannika!
It's just good old southern hospitality, and I never appreciated it so much until we have moved back.

Now that we have internet, I'm looking forward to catching up on everyone's blogs!!!


  1. Geez louise. A good ole fashioned suck PCS. Glad to hear it worked out with the house though and that you guys are settling (as much as you can of course!).

  2. It is wonderful that you are here and enjoying your new house!! Hang in there and keep drinking that wine.
    It will be good to see your blog get going again.

  3. Glad you guys are starting to get settled -- but how crappy that nothing is really going as planned!

  4. Welcome back to Texas, Romer family!!! We're happy y'all are back :)

  5. Boo for the crappy PCS, but wow that view looks amazing.

  6. I'm so glad you're happy and settled!


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