Sunday, November 11, 2012

Happy Veteran's Day

This is a guest post by Courtney from

Veterans Day 2012

With Veterans Day being taking place on Sunday, November 11th, many people are making plans to spend a three-day weekend off from work and rest and relax.  Veterans Day is usually casually observed by most people, and for others it is just a day of inconvenience as banks as the post office are closed.  Veterans Day, however, has deep rooted historical significance and can be a great day to spend with family and friends.  It is a day to celebrate the heroes who keep our country safe and who protect the freedom that we enjoy every day.


Did you know that Veterans Day has been celebrated since 1919?  Back then it was called Armistice Day, and it was created to celebrate the signing of the peace armistice between the US and Germany that signified the end of World War I.  Armistice Day was declared an official federal holiday by Congress in 1938, and in 1954 the name of the day was changed to Veterans Day to include the celebration of all veterans of all wars and not just those that fought in World War I.  Veterans Day is a unique holiday in that its purpose is to celebrate the men and women who protect our country.  This day is often confused with Memorial Day, but is quite different.  Veterans Day is a day of happiness and celebration, while Memorial Day is a time to remember those who have died in the service of our country.


Celebrate our Veterans

Because Veterans Day is a time for celebration and support of our veterans and troops, it is the perfect day to spend time with family and friends.  There are so many fun things that can be done to get into the patriotic mood of the day, here are a few fun activities:

1.       Attend a Parade – Many cities and towns host parades to honor and celebrate local members of the community who are veterans or who are currently serving in the armed forces.  Going to a parade is a fun activity for the whole family and allows you the chance to meet those in your community who give their time to protect our freedom.

2.       Patriotic Crafts – Helping your kids or neighbors make patriotic crafts is a great way to spend a few hours getting in the mood of Veterans Day.  Paper flags, patriotic banners, and even treats are all great ways to decorate your house and enjoy the day off.  Red, white, and blue rice crispy treats are easy and fun!

3.       Moment of Silence – Observing a moment of silence is a good way to show your kids the respect that veterans deserve.  Teaching them the meaning of the holiday and that a moment of silence is a time to give thanks in your heart will help them cultivate the respect and honor that we owe to our vets.


No matter what you do this Veterans Day, make sure that you take a moment to think about our veterans and give thanks for the freedom that we enjoy every day.  Additionally, Veterans Day falls on a Sunday this year, so the day will be observed on Monday, November 12th.


Courtney writes about VA news for <a href=“”>Military VA Loan</a>, a resource that helps veterans save money on their VA home loans and mortgages.

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