Sunday, July 29, 2012


If you remember my last post, I wrote about how my church does beach baptisms only ONCE a year.
The opportunity came up this month, and it's like God was talking directly to me.
In the recent months, I've been doing a TON of relationship work with God (more than I've ever done in my entire life).
I've been reading my bible like it's going out of style, and I wake up EVERY Sunday morning just itching to go to church to learn more about Him and be surrounded by others that love Him. 

I decided that it was time to say, "I do" to the Lord.

Today was life changing.
Today was epic.
Today, I will never forget.

Today is my new birthday.

I publicly gave my life to the Lord in front of a few hundred people (not including the random beach goers that were just spending a late Sunday afternoon on the beach) on the beach in frigid Pacific Ocean waters.

It was exhilarating.

The few seconds that I was under that salty ocean, I could see the sunlight shining above me, and I felt God's presence with me...almost like he was smiling at me.

I can't wait to get more involved with my church and get more involved in being the woman that God wants me to be.

I hope I can inspire someone to become passionate about loving Jesus.
I hope I can inspire someone to give their life to Him.

I'm gonna be a better wife, a better mom, a better everything...
Because I love Him more than Nick, more than Dannika, more than anything.
And that is why Nick, Dannika, and everything else is going to get the best of me :-)



  1. Amazing, I wish we could have been there to support you! (A guy that my hubby works with and his wife were baptized with your church this afternoon also!)

  2. I think I saw them! I saw a Marine and his wife get baptized! It was amazing!

  3. @Marinewife1111 {Marcella}I think I saw them! I saw a Marine and his wife get baptized! It was amazing!


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