Saturday, March 3, 2012


Today is the official TWO month mark of this deployment, and Dannika and I's NINTH Sundried Tomato date!
I seriously look forward to going there EVERY week!
They have the most AH-MAZING food.
My favorite is their signature Sundried Tomato soup.
I can't get enough of it.
I have it pretty much every single time I go there.
My friend Jen took her family there when they were visiting from Missouri, and they all loved it.
I always recommend it to people who visit Orange County from somewhere else!

I think it's important to have traditions. 
It gives you something to look forward to.
I love that I've made my little brunch/lunch dates a tradition with Dannika.
It's funny cause it happened TOTALLY by accident.
The LAST time Nick deployed, I was so depressed, so my girlfriends dragged me out of the house the day after he left and took me there for lunch, and I had such a great time there.
It made me temporarily forget about the emptiness and sadness I had in my heart.
So this time, when Nick left, it just kind of seemed natural to go there for brunch.
I realized how happy it made me to go there, so I started going every week.
While I miss Nick with a fierceness...when he deploys, it is mother/daughter bonding time for me. 
I love our lunch dates, just the two of us, and I love the time we spend during those lunch dates.
It has seriously made the days just F-L-Y! 

This is my cute little date stuffing her face with bread and the Sundried Tomato mac-n-cheese :-)

My note to Nick that I write on the table every week :-) I found out today that the staff has been saving the paper every week that I write on. 

Dannika and I made cupcakes today :-)
It was her first time, and I must say, she is a mighty fine helper.

Her very first cupcake. I'm such a proud mama.

So with that said, thanks for all the love and support from my friends. 
It means the world to me.
I also found out that some of the staff at the Sundried Tomato read my blog!
So, if you're reading this right now...
Thank you for being so kind to us when we go, and thank you for such a wonderful restaurant experience that gives me something to look forward to every week!

I can't wait for the first Saturday when it's not just Dannika and me...
You better believe it that the week Nick gets home, he will be joining us on our final Saturday brunch there :-)

And while we may not come EVERY week like I do when he's gone, it's one of our favorite restaurants, so we will be back plenty more!!!

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