While we complained at first at the fact that we had to pay for ANOTHER set of ball tickets (they are NOT cheap), I was really glad that we got to go!
We met up with Kari's husband Matt (he's with 3/5), and it ended up being a pretty decent time.
I'm just honored to have been in the presence of some of 1st Marine Division's AMAZING war heroes.
We saw a Lieutenant there with FOUR purple hearts!!!!!!
We saw a countless number of Marines with awards for valor (to include my hero, Nick and Kari's hubby Matt).
Here are the pics!
This is Nick and I with Kari's handsome guy, Matt!
Before Sunny deployed, I got Kanoa a '
Daddy Doll' for his 2nd Birthday.
It's really funny cause this 'Daddy Doll' has become the 'Real Sunny'.
Kim takes him places and takes photos of him hanging out and being "here" with us.
Last weekend, Devon and 'Sunny' came to hang out at our house while Kim and Kanoa went to a 2/4 baby shower.
Dannika really enjoyed hanging out with her Uncle Sunny!
In MORE exciting news, LtCol Gilbert...AKA Dr. Gilbert...AKA...Dore...just got home from Afghanistan last Friday!
We got to have our FIRST dinner with the entire Gilbert family the first Sunday he was home.
Dannika was THRILLED to get to be with ALL of them once again!
She was also excited to show them her pink cowboy boots!
My friend Becca of
MooseINK is one of the most talented and creative people I know!
She makes the most adorable crochet hats EVEEERRRR!
She was so sweet to make Dannika her very first Hello Kitty hat!
Dannika is slightly obsessed with it!
Thanks, Aunt Becca!
Up to no good...
Her "model" pose