I know I've been posting a ton of random posts with no real topic lately.
I also know I've been majorly slacking on updating my blog.
The only excuse I can come up with is that I've been too busy being happy being back in Texas.
When I was in New England, I blogged A LOT to fill a void.
I blogged a A LOT before I moved to New England because I was apart from Nick, and I was filling a void.
I haven't been this truly happy in so long, and it's been tough for me to find time out of being happy to blog.
But I love blogging, and I told Nick tonight at dinner that I was gonna blog!
So let's start tonight's blog with some randomness and photos....
I promise to have a an actual blog with a topic of some sorts next!!!
We miss our friends in Massachusetts more than anything!
We made great friends there, and they are truly irreplaceable.
One of our friends just happened to be our neighbors, Dan, Linda, and their son David.
They're the type of neighbors/friends that we could show up at their house uninvited, and be welcomed in with open arms, a glass of wine, and a beer.
They were seriously the best!!
A "tradition" we all started together was a "Friday night pizza night".
Dan (an AMAZING home cook), made homemade grilled pizza every Friday, and we would go over to drink wine/beer, eat pizza, and just hang out.
Our entire family used to look forward to Friday nights EVERY week!
Before we moved, Dan got Nick his very own "pizza peel" so that we could continue the "Friday night" pizza night tradition here in Texas.
So last Friday was our first official "homemade pizza night" in Texas.
Nick was SO excited to be in the kitchen for once, since I do most of the cooking....and I was happy to be able to sit back, enjoy a glass of wine, and let him do all the cooking.
Dannika used to LOVE helping Dan make the pepperoni pizza (he always did one pepperoni pizza for Dannika).
It was a nice treat for her to get to help Nick make pepperoni pizza at our house too!
Linda always had "Flip Flop" pinot grigio for me on "pizza nights", and when I found it here in Texas, I was elated!
It's a screw top wine that tastes absolutely DIVINE!
It's one of my favorite pinot grigios!!!! (Imagine that...me loving a screw top wine!)
Like a lot of children during this time of year, Dannika had her "disguise Tom the Turkey" project.
It was a family project, and Dannika's first official school project.
She wanted her turkey to be a "girl Marine with a bun in her hair and everything 'just like mommy'".
Notice the awesome cammie paint, eyelashes, long dangly earring, and the bronze star/silver star? |
Nick received his official "Welcome Aboard" packet from Texas A&M!!
He's going to be a Fightin' Texas Aggie, Y'all!!! WHOOOOOOP!
Nick and I have been KILLING it at the gym!!!!!
We go every morning after we drop Dannika off at school.
I am SO thankful for this time that we get to spend together.
I know all the women are jealous that a husband and wife get to come work out together at 8AM every morning!
So my life consists of work out clothes, hats, tennis shoes, tshirts.......
I'm the in "fit mom" category in all those "mom stereotype" articles, meaning I'm always the mom showing up in work out clothes...Lululemons....etc...
I decided recently that I'd make more of an effort to "get ready" during the day.
"Get ready" meaning, I wear actual clothes, and do my hair and make up.
I've been good so far, and I think Nick is enjoying seeing me look put together (although, I'm sure he doesn't mind seeing me in my work out gear).
This Gucci bag I have in this photo was a gift my daddy bought me like 10 years ago!!!!
You pay for quality!
Yesterday, I decided it was a "red lipstick" kinda day...
Dannika abandoned Mattis in the laundry in his Tonka truck.
It was a good 5 minutes before we realized that he was stuck because he started whimpering....poor little guy.
And because we are AWESOME parents, we took pictures before we saved him.
If you've ever lived in the south, EVERYTHING is bigger...
EVERYTHING...the include hair bows.
I used to put these giant bows in Dannika's hair in Massachusetts, and people used to give her the strangest looks, and make comments about her "hair accessory".
I love that we are back in Texas where it is just the norm.
I LOVE having a large soaking tub in the master bedroom!
Our kids think it's awesome cause it's so big.
Dannika thinks it's a pool!
And I'm ending the blog with Mattis' bath time pics.