Friday, October 19, 2012

DD 214

As I signed my name on that final piece of paperwork, I couldn't help but feel my heart skip a beat.
This was it.  It was the moment that was merely a figment of my imagination for the last year.
I looked at the clerk and asked him one more time (just to be sure), "so, that's it?"
"Yes, SSgt. That is it!"
I grabbed my DD214 and walked out feeling like I was missing something.
Literally, I signed a few pieces of paperwork, and that broke the chains off of me that kept me shackled to Uncle Sam for the last 10 years of my existence.
It just seemed too easy. 

I always imagined my last day in the Corps as the happiest day of my life.
I dreamed of skipping my way off the flight line with a giant smile on my face while secretly giving two middle fingers back at a few people I was glad to never see again. (I realize that this is not very "Christianlike" of me, but I am just being honest, and I have come to peace with this thought with God)

In reality, it was quite a bitter sweet, and the day was charged with all sorts of emotions that I wasn't expecting.
I am truly going to miss being around Marines.
The realization that I will never work with a group of individuals like Marines is tough cookie to swallow.
The definition of "hard working" according to a civilian would probably equate to "lazy" by Marine Corps standards.
It's a common trend I hear from Marines who get out and join the civilian work force, and it's not uncommon to hear from a Marine that,  "If we had 3 LCpls and a Cpl, this could get done way faster and more efficiently than what I am accomplishing with 10 civilians who are insisting that they get a lunch break"
Before I make some people mad, let me just explain that I am by no means saying civilians are lazy.
 I am just trying to paint a picture of what it's like for a Marine who is used to a rigorous, structured lifestyle to get "thrown into the woods".

It's an adjustment period, and it's something that Marines have to accept as their new "normal".
What's normal to everyone else is the farthest thing from normal to a Marine.
 They'll never truly understand the intense amount of dedication a young 19-23 year old Marine has.
I said it a million times, and I'll say it again.
"I won't miss the institution, but I'll miss the Marines."

 My sweet parents got me a Congratulatory Edible Arrangements. YUM!

 The "kids" as I like to call them. I really do love them like my own children.

My last day and my going away plaque. These are the SNCO's and the Capt that I worked with. 

Just a funny picture of D. She got stuck trying to put a jumper on over her shirt.

What did I do on my first day as a civilian? I went to the beach to work out. It was so peaceful and serene.

 We're hilarious. I know.


  1. I am sure it was a tough day, but congrats and keep enjoying doing those civilian things :)


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