Sunday, February 12, 2012


These last few days have been hard for me to be compassionate towards others.
I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that Nick is gone, and sometimes I get selfish and think it's unfair that I have to go through this.
That, I know, is the wrong attitude to have, and God is probably rolling his eyes at me.
I also have a big mouth.
I have what some people would call "diarrhea of the mouth" (sounds pleasant, huh?)
I just say things sometimes without thinking, and by the time I'm done...I'm smacking my head over and over into a wall saying, "WHY WHY WHYYYY Did I say that?!"

Church helped me to calm down and just reflect on the last few days.
"Water under the bridge..."

Here is my cute little angel getting ready to go to Sunday school. I love getting her after service is over and getting a goodie bag with all the cool arts and crafts she did that day.

Can you believe that we went 2 1/2 years without a "band aid worthy boo boo"?!?! Surprisingly enough, she fell in the church parking lot. I guess if there's one place you wanna get hurt, it's at God's house.

 Sundried Tomato Date #6 :-)

One of my friends called me a "Spartan Wife" after I posted this on facebook:
It's hard being a Marine AND a Marine wife...I don't worry about Nick like most Marine wives do...and for me...I think that if he sees combat, it's exciting cause I know I would be excited if I was in combat...the adrenaline rush is what we live for, and when I tell a Marine wife that...they look at me like I'm freaking crazy and like I don't care for the safety of my husband...when in husband and I are both Marines...we have crazy views on what we consider is include being shot at...and I'm not even in a combat MOS....maybe I'm not as normal of a housewife as I think I am. I love Nick more than my own life...I also love him even more and am more proud of him for his heroic actions in the Battle of Fallujah...I think it's me crazy. You can take a girl outta her Louis Vuitton, but you can't take the Marine Corps outta THIS girl.

Remember in the Movie "300" when he is leaving his wife for battle and she tells him to 'Come home with your shield or on it'. 
Exactly how I feel. 

We had some backyard fun as well with the water table.

Nick put these up in our backyard. They make me smile.

I put crayola colored bath drops in the water for her. She thought it was so cool.

Oh and lastly...
Superbowl Sunday was last Sunday!
Dannika and her buddy Kanoa have spent every single Superbowl together since they have been alive!

Superbowl 2010 (Nick and Sunny were both deployed). Look how little our babies were!

Superbowl 2011 (Sunny was here, but Nick was in the field)

Superbowl 2012 (Nick and Sunny are both deployed again)

And this year, Mr. Jackson joined us :-) Look at how adorable these kiddos are.

Hopefully next year, we can all spend Superbowl together with our daddies!

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