Saturday, October 15, 2011

Cowgirl Boots and Korean Spaghetti

I realized this week that Dannika has absolutely NO Fall clothes.
With the mornings being cooler, I felt like a horrible mom dropping her off at daycare in a sundress and sandals when it's 60 degrees (granted, by noon it's been 100 last week).
We went shopping today for a Fall wardrobe, and might I say, Nick is a WAY worse shopper than me!
We spent way more than we had  anticipated because Nick insisted that she needed certain clothing these...
Pink cowboys boots that cost too much that she will outgrow by next month.
But she looks mighty cute in them!

We did some grocery shopping today and found one of my favorite childhood meals at the commissary...
"Korean spaghetti"
My mom makes it the best, but I made it tonight for dinner.
It was Dannika's first time having it, and she LOVED it...

I'll just add, after dinner, I took her out back and hosed her down...


It was MESSY!

1 comment:

  1. Earlier I found your blog from Diary of A Devi Dog Wife.. You have a lovely family! Dannika's boots are too cute!


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