Nick was in the field this week again. It is getting closer till he leaves for Afghanistan in January to be our hero and fight terrorists! We still don't have exact dates yet, but we have a window from the middle of January until the beginning of February. This week gave me a chance to get a taste of what it was gonna be like to be a single mommy for a little bit. It was EXHAUSTING...especially with work thrown in the mix. So kudos to all my Marine wives out there and single moms!!! I don't know how y'all do it! Dannika is growing up so fast right before my eyes. I was looking at some pictures of when we brought her home from the hospital and it made me really sad that she's already grown to be this bouncing ball of fire now! As sad as we are that Nick is leaving us for 7 months, I am relieved that I will have Dannika to keep me busy. I'm hoping it makes the deployment go by faster. I'm lucky that I have been blessed with such a happy baby. Today she is going to be dedicated at church. My church doesn't baptize babies, and instead wants a person to decide on their own when they are ready to be saved; HOWEVER...they do baby dedications and will pray for them in front of the congregation. I am very excited for that. Here is our update! And here she is!
Dannika held her bottle ALL BY HERSELF and I got it on camera!!!

Getting ready to go Christmas shopping with mommy

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