Saturday, November 28, 2009
The End of Fall and Beginning of Winter!
This year was Dannika's first Thanksgiving. I am so blessed that Nick gets to spend the holidays at home and will not be deploying for Afghanistan till after the New Year. This year I had so much to be thankful for. God has blessed our little family with SO MUCH this year. With the purchase of our first home, the birth of our healthy beautiful little girl, the most wonderful husband and father, and my success as a recruiter....I just can't think of what I did to deserve all of this bliss! We spent Thanksgiving this year with the Gilbert family at their beautiful home. It was just the perfect way to end the fall to spend Thanksgiving with our friends, good food, GREAT wine, and the most awesome family! Nick and I are not real into that whole Black Friday shopping, however, we did make a trip to Camp Pendleton to do our Christmas shopping for his family. We finally have our Christmas lights up, and I officially don't feel like an idiot for putting my Christmas stuff up BEFORE Thanksgiving!
Our Christmas stockings
Dannika's stocking
Watching Daddy put the Christmas tree up
Putting the star on
Hanging out with daddy in the morning before he goes to work
Dannika and Uncle Ellis
She is happy!
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Meeting Grandma Sandy Jane
The end of October and beginning of November were exciting months for Dannika. She got to meet Grandma Sandy for the first time and got to spend a TON of time with her. Thanks to her, Nick and I got to enjoy a weekend in Vegas for the Marine Ball. We also started Dannika on solid foods...and SHE LOVES IT. She also got to go to her first Halloween themed Birthday party for one of the daughters of a coworker of mine. We all had a great time hanging out with Grandma and eating yummy rice cereal and gerber stage 1 baby foods!
Dannika now knows how to gives kisses
Outfit that Aunt Dulce bought her
Waiting to be seated at the Cheesecake Factory. Nick's mom LOVES the Cheesecake Factory. There isn't one where she lives so she makes it a point to go there when she comes out here.
Oh yes...we started solids...
And we are messy...
Dannika and her friend Christopher (the pirate) in the mini ball pit at Hannah's birthday party.
She loves Grandma
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Marine Corps 234th Birthday Bash
Right after Halloween, Nick and I made our trip to Las Vegas, Nevada! My ball was actually in Laughlin, but Vegas is only 2 hours away and Vegas just seemed a lot more fun than Laughlin. THANK GOODNESS we went to Vegas, cause when he got to Laughlin the day of the ball, that city was so LAAAAAAMMMME. We stayed at the Imperial Palace Hotel. Each night, we all did something new. The first night, we went to a club called P.U.R.E. at Caesar's Palace. The second night, we ended up at Tao at the Venetian...where I broke my 80 dollar heels that I had bought THAT DAY!!!!!!!! Luckily, there was a shoe store open at the Venetian that night and I got some replacement shoes. The last night, Nick and I spent some time together at the Rockhouse Bar at the Imperial Palace. We all had an absolute blast with the team. I won Rookie Recruiter of the Year for my Recruiting Station and I FINALLY got a NAM!!!! I owe it all to my team and of course my wonderful husband Nick. I did however, miss miss miss my baby SO much for the 5 days we were gone. My mother in law watched her all those days. The drive home was soooo long cause I missed her so much. She now rolls over back and forth, she can grab her toys....she hugs you back...she eats solid foods!!! AAAANNNNDDD...she watches the Discovery Kids channel. My little princess is growing too fast for me!!!!!
Dulce and Thomas got remarried in Vegas!

Our first day in Vegas
The boys looking all sexy...epecially the bald one with big ears.
The trio gettin ready to go to P.U.R.E.
My handsome husband and I...he cleans up nice!
Our first 20 we won in Vegas!
The giant slot machine that we won nothing from
Before going to dance the night away at Tao
Nick dancing with the crazy old lady at Imperial Palace

Me in my BLUES....
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Dannika's first Halloween and Birthday Party
Halloween this year started off at a birthday party for Hannah...the daughter of one of the recruiters that I work with. It was a costume themed party since it was on Halloween. Below are the pics. Dannika had a great time in her little tutu and playing with daddy and Christopher.
The little pirate
This was before Christopher decided it would be fun to spill orange soda on Jeff.
This look is priceless...
Dannika and her "older" man