Make a Smilebox photobook |
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Monday, December 28, 2009
Scootin' along
My mom bought Dannika this cheesy walker to play in and entertain herself in since we couldn't bring along her fancy toys with us. Ironically, this cheesy walker was the first time we saw her scott around in it. She got really good at it by the end of the week
Dannika's 1st Christmas
For Dannika's first Christmas, we flew back to College Station. This was Dannika's second time meeting her Grandma and Grandpa Kim, and her first time meeting the rest of the Kim family. It was a tiring week for her, but filled with LOTS of new experiences. She met so many new people. Nick and I were saying the other evening that she was a totally different baby than a week ago! It's so crazy how fast she changes and grows. She is a complete and total chatterbox! My little sister, Lydia actually told her to shut up...hahaha. She has such a personality now. It was really nice to have my mom and dad willing to babysit her...thanks guys! Nick and I got to spend some quality alone time together without the baby. Her first plane ride went ok. I guess it went better than I had imagined. She was a little cranky, but eventually she got used to it. I didn't know the amount of logistics that went into taking one extra little person with you on an airplane! It was almost a little overwhelming for me and lucky for me, I had my DH Nick...thank you sweetheart! The way back to California was a lot better for Dannika. She managed to sleep most of the entire way back, so that was a relief. The holidays flew by entirely too fast! I think cause Nick is leaving in less than a month for Afghanistan it makes the days FLY :-( I hope everyone else out there had a wonderful Christmas and had one as blessed as ours was! Below are a FEW of my favorites from our trip!
Dannika at the airport

I HAD to take Nick to Santa's wonderland. We waited in a line of cars on the rainiest night in College Station to see them. It was well worth the wait and the 22 dollars it cost to drive through it!

This is Nick's friend Wilson from the Marine Corps. They used to serve together until Wilson got out and moved back to Texas. We were blessed to have him drive up to CS from Houston to visit Dannika.

Dannika LOVED playing with her grandpa. We caught the two of them lounging on his recliner one day and watching TV together. It was so cute. I think despite the stressful year my parents had with their business (economy), she brightened things up a bit!

On Christmas Day, we went to my Uncle James' house for a Christmas BBQ (Korean style) and some DELICIOUS catered food. These are the men in the Kim family (and Nick) doing "man" things and grilling..

Aunt Lydia bought Dannika her very first string bikini..that she peed in moments later and got spanked by her

My parents watched Dannika for an evening so that Nick and I could go out on a date alone. We went to Christopher's in Bryan. IT WAS SUPERB!

Nick has always wanted to go to the Chicken to have a beer since he always hears songs about the Chicken when he listens to Texas Country. We met a nice couple there who had a son in the army and chatted with us for a bit. I don't think we paid for a single drink! I love Texas...and more importantly, TEXANS! WE RAWK!

Our last day in Texas, Nick and I bought a couple cheap fishing poles and went to Woodcreek Lake (pond) to do a little fishing. The lake is literally 20 seconds away from my parents' house. I have never seen my husband so happy to be out on the water with a fishing pole! This is the first catch of the day...I caught a perch!

There he is!

Saturday, December 19, 2009
Laughing caught on camera
Saturday, December 12, 2009
my ::NEW:: camera
Nick got me this fancy Nikon P90 camera. For those of you who are not camera's a amateur camera that takes professional quality photos. I fell in love with professional photography when I had my maternity, newborn, and family photos taken by a professional. I'm no professional by ANY means, but I think the type of camera you have has a lot to do with the quality of the pictures you get. I finally have my very own camera, and I LOVE the pictures it takes. Here are the ones I've taken of Dannika.